Arts Education
Lecture Demonstrations
(Tailored to audiences of all ages) The Lecture Demonstration is an interactive way of combining a straightforward Performance, hands-on workshop, and informative explanation about the culture and history of Flamenco. In between lively performance numbers, audience members get hands-on experience with playing las castañuelas (castanetts), las palmas (rhythmic hand-clapping), and they even learn to dance a bit of Flamenco themselves!
Master Classes
(For all ages) These individual or back-to-back workshops focus on the basics of Flamenco dance, including body positions, zapateo (footwork), and palmas (rhythmic hand-clapping), as well as giving participants an overview of the culture and history of the Spanish art. The workshop culminates with a full dance combination that students can perform on their own.
School Performances
A Palo Seco presents Flamenco school performances to students of all ages, featuring dance and music in a vibrant and entertaining production full of color, rhythms, and emotions. Explanations and questions are intermixed with high-energy performance pieces and audience participation. Students learn to play palmas (rhythmic hand clapping) and castanetts, and are invited to join the artists on stage to do a short dance number at the end.